Flight Sequence Program

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The flight sequence program is a series of scheduled commands that is being sent from the LVDC to the stages of the Saturn vehicle (S-IB/C, S-II, S-IVB and IU) during a mission. They are scheduled in various time bases. In NASSP the LVDC loads a flight sequence program file that is valid for a given mission. The file can be found under Config/Project Apollo.


-Explain time bases

-Explain stage code

-List of all available Saturn IB and V commands


Initiate LOX Dump (Saturn IB)

Prerequisites: Passivation Enable, Stage 3 (S-IVB), Channel 85

Event Time from Event Stage Channel Remarks
Aux Hydraulic Pump Flight Mode On -22.0 3 (S-IVB) 28 The auxiliary hydraulic pump is turned on to center the J-2 engine for damping
Engine Mainstage Control Valve Open On -0.2 3 (S-IVB) 30 Commands open main LOX valve
Engine He Control Valve Open 0.0 3 (S-IVB) 109 Provides pneumatics to open main LOX valve
LOX Tank NPV Valve Open On 10.0 3 (S-IVB) 42 The LOX NPV valve is latched open, if it is desired to do so
LOX Tank NPV Valve Open Off 12.0 3 (S-IVB) 37 Only if opened in the previous step

Terminate LOX Dump (Saturn IB)

Prerequisites: -

Event Time from Event Stage Channel Remarks
Engine Mainstage Control Valve Open Off -1.0 3 (S-IVB) 65
Engine He Control Valve Open Off 0.0 3 (S-IVB) 110
Aux Hydraulic Pump Flight Mode Off 2.0 3 (S-IVB) 29

Initiate LH2 Tank Blowdown Vent (Saturn IB)

Prerequisites: -

Event Time from Event Stage Channel Remarks
LH2 Tank Vent Valve Open 0.0 3 (S-IVB) 38

Terminate LH2 Tank Blowdown Vent (Saturn IB)

Prerequisites: -

Event Time from Event Stage Channel Remarks
LH2 Tank Vent Valve Close -3.0 3 (S-IVB) 76
LH2 Tank Ven Valve Boost Close On 0.0 3 (S-IVB) 77
LH2 Tank Vent Valve Boost Close Off 2.0 3 (S-IVB) 78