An astronaut's view on reentry

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-Temporarily not more than a scratchpad to sort my memory; structure and "eyecandy" will follow later ;-)-

-Parts of entry: Pre-entry (P61,62,63), Initial steering (P64), Constant drag & upcontrol (P65) + Ballistic Phase (P66) (will only be entered when specific conditions are met; otherwise: P64 -> P67!); Final steering (P67 w. N66); End of steeering (P67 w. N67)

How everything starts:



FL V06N61

+/- XXX.XX IMPACT LAT - Latitude of desired splashdown point. + is north, - is south

+/- XXX.XX IMPACT LONG - Longitude of desired splashdown point. + is east, - is west

+/- 00001 HEADS UP/DOWN - Switch for roll attitude when approaching 0.05g. + is heads up (lift DOWN), - is heads down (lift UP). Lunar entry was flown with lift up (-00001), earth entry with lift down (??)

V25E to change data. Note that P37 stores its predicted splashdown point here (handy, isn't it?;-)).

PRO to proceed

FL V06N60

XXX.XX G MAX - predicted peak G during entry

XXXXX VPRED - predicted velocity at 400.000 ft altitude in fps

XXX.XX GAMMA EI - flight path angle (= entry angle) at 400.000 ft altitude in degrees

PRO to proceed

FL V06N63

XXXX.X RTOGO - range to go from 0.05g in nautical miles

XXXXX VIO - velocity at 0.05 g

XXBXX TFE - time from now to 0.05 g. NOT UPDATED CONTINOUSLY!

RTOGO and VIO can be used to initialize the EMS.

PRO to P62


FL V50N25

00041 - checklist code for: "please perform CM/SM separation"



Perform CM/SM separation; key PRO when done

-CSM DAP off; entry DAP on in attitude hold; further V37 inhibited from now on-

FL V06N61

+/- XXX.XX IMPACT LAT - Latitude of desired splashdown point. + is north, - is south

+/- XXX.XX IMPACT LONG - Longitude of desired splashdown point. + is east, - is west

+/- 00001 HEADS UP/DOWN - Switch for roll attitude when approaching 0.05g. + is heads up (lift DOWN), - is heads down (lift UP). Lunar entry was flown with lift up (-00001), earth entry with lift down (??)

V25E to change data. Last chance to change the splashdown point.

PRO to proceed

-entry DAP maneuvers to entry attitude; SC CONT to CMC for auto-maneuver or to SCS for manual control (CMC drives error needles on FDAI for desired attitude); manual is recomended (entry DAP has wide deadband and damps rates very slowly), when needles are centered SC CONT to CMC-





Desired attitude in yaw, pitch, roll. Note that display is skipped and P63 is selected when alfa (angle of attack) is already > 45°.

P63 automatically selected 21 s after alfa > 45°.


FL V06N64

XXX.XX G - actual acceleration in G.

XXXXX VI - actual inertial velocity in fps

XXXX.X RTOGO - range to go to splashdown point. Negative and decreasing when approaching

Display is updated continously. When 0.05 g (R1 reads 00005 or more) is attained, P64 is selected automatically.



XXX.XX BETA -commanded bank angle in degrees

XXXXX VI - actual inertial velocity in fps

XXX.XX G - actual acceleration in G.

Now (finally) the entry starts -and the CMC will do 'nothing' (obvious) at first. Till 0.2 g is attained, P64 keeps the attitude in pitch and yaw in the limits which are necessary for a controlled dive into the atmosphere. Roll attitude will be the one which was selected earlier. Attitude control is especially vital during earth entries, due to the shallow entry angle: the CM could just flip over earth's atmosphere like a flat stone over the pond. It will enter somewhere again, of course, as the velocity is to low for an orbit, but there might be no recovery forces where it will splash down then -not very desirable (you could miss your first warm meal since over a week, just for example ;-)). During a lunar entry, this problem will not occur; the entry angle is (should be!) so steep, that the CM will enter the atmosphere, no matter what. But even here, attitude control has its purpose: with a constant 'lift up' roll attitude the CM will climb by itself when the air gets thicker (and the G's rise), so that you can't burn up. At 0.2g, P64 has to make its first decision: if VI (the inertial velocity of the CM) was smaller then 27000 ft/s at 0.05 g, which is usually the case during earth entries, it calls P67 and ends. If not, it's a lunar entry and the CM will dive (due to its trajectory) into the atmosphere and the G's ramp up -but not forever, at one point the aerodynamic forces will come into play and the CM will start to climb again (remember: it is still rolled heads down aka lift up!). If we don't do anything, it will fly out of the atmosphere again and we will face the same problem as above (no warm meal for today...). What now? Roll heads up (lift down), of course. But stop! We want to hit a specific splashdown point, so timing is everything. And maybe rolling up might even be wrong: maybe we have to fly a short time out of the atmosphere to come closer to our target. Complex thing, isn't it? Be assured: no astronaut had to take out it's slide ruler (calculators didn't exist those days) -they had the CMC for it (resp. the EMS -but that's another article). Just after 0.2 g it had started to calculate: where am I now? Where will I splashdown, when I maintain this trajectory? Where should I splashdown? It does this for two alternative ways: - leaving the atmosphere after the first entry and re-enter; this is called 'upcontrol solution', as the CMC will maintain the lift up roll until the CM has left the atmosphere again. - stay inside the atmosphere and fly a normal