[17:41:16] NASSP Logging has been started by thewonderidiot [17:49:36] hey Mike [17:52:34] what's up? [17:55:26] 3rd attempt at reorganizing the Saturn V LVDC code [17:55:38] you would think it would be easy as I have already done the same for the Saturn IB [17:55:40] but it's not :D [17:56:40] hahahahaha [17:56:51] hopefully third time is the charm though? [17:58:05] yeah, I am taking another approach [17:58:18] doing a lot of the small changes first so the big reorganization is easier [17:59:10] and moving more things into subroutines [17:59:21] nice yeah that is a good approach [17:59:24] the LVDC surely had subroutines, so not everything has to be in LVDCSV::Timestep for us either [18:00:23] I'd like to see how those routines were really structured, but apparently that takes years, not months [18:00:48] I was just thinking about how the lawyer apparently told Ron that he had some form of result [18:00:52] I'll have to ask Ron about that lol [18:01:14] would be great to know [18:02:57] I'd just like to know simple things like, what really happens when a new timebase is started [18:04:50] that's the funny thing, all the code that is actually used for guiding rockets I already know enough about [18:04:58] hahaha [20:53:53] night" [20:53:54] ! [16:40:43] hey AlexB_88 [16:50:26] hey [16:50:35] whats up? [16:54:15] finally doing some NASSP work again, still the Saturn V LVDC update [16:55:06] ah nice [16:55:24] I havent had a chance to try the 1B update yet [16:56:27] you mainly will notice the smooth steering [16:56:39] right [16:57:09] this is basically my third attempt at giving the Saturn V the same update [16:57:36] I need to make a lot of changes to the program flow for the smooth steering to work [16:57:53] that's basically why I had failed so far with the Saturn V, too many changes at once [17:00:55] I see [17:02:04] gotta reboot brb [17:05:43] I still have my VC branch to merge at some point [17:06:09] still have a few things to finish up before the next merge [17:06:25] but I have gotten all the latest NASSP updates merged into it [17:09:05] ah good [17:09:13] morning! [17:10:49] hopefully I can get in touch with Jordan soon to see his work [17:11:01] well have to merge that in [17:11:03] hey Mike [17:11:14] hey [17:11:28] Jordan was here once or twice when you were absent for a while [17:11:42] right [17:17:44] Ill send him a PM on the forums [17:30:24] Good morning [17:31:35] Does anyone know why I would get an fps drop when docked with the lem before lm ejection? [17:32:52] hmm, not really [17:33:18] don't think I have seen that [17:34:21] Not a huge drop but its gone whe I release the sivb [17:34:31] interesting [17:34:44] if anything I have seen some crashes in that situation [17:34:52] could be related [17:35:38] It didn't happen before when the lem was created after lm ejection [17:36:55] I think I had a crash when I was trying to open the hatch on the CSM side [17:37:06] so after LM pressurization, but before ejection [17:37:45] It only drops on the main panel [17:38:06] hmm, well the main panel has fairly random fps drops anyway [17:38:17] the main panel is very heavy on the CPU [17:38:23] probably related to that [17:38:55] but it's fairly random, not sure why. It helps if no other program is using up CPU power [17:42:06] Also I got a new bigger monitor so its higher resolution [17:43:12] ah, that's probably why you didn't notice it before, performance got worse with the higher resolution [17:44:01] but I think you are just getting what has been annoying me ever since we switched to Orbiter 2016 [17:44:02] Other than that everything is smooth [17:53:57] indy91, so I see a lot of work was done on antennas by n7275, I guess the signal degrades with higher RR ranges? [17:54:15] yep [17:54:23] and the RR transponder needs to be on [17:54:29] and pointing in the right direction [17:54:37] ah beautiful [17:55:17] I am going to fly a mission to and test that out [17:55:31] hopefully I will be able to understand my RTCC MFD guide :D [17:56:15] do you guys know where i can find the lm document with the detent codes? [17:57:00] probably in the LM AOH [17:57:34] AlexB_88, you could try Apollo 9 and Sundance [17:58:54] astronauthen96__, G&N Dictionary also has them in the P52 section [18:35:29] alright, I think it is time to dive back into Sundial and wrap that up :D [18:46:39] I'm glad I was an inspiration for that, with me trying this LVDC thing for the third time :D [18:47:32] hahaha [18:56:42] man I was really close before the launch pulled me away [18:56:46] was partway through the last bank [19:10:39] https://i.imgur.com/ay7ZlYB.jpg [19:10:43] you can do it little rockets [19:10:49] you are almost as strong as your big brother [19:11:21] was testing my changes to the S-II/S-IVB direct staging switch, that Saturn is on a very suborbital trajectory still :D [19:13:12] hehehehe [19:21:58] indy91, I have just installed OrbiterSound 5.0 but I get a CTD when starting Orbiter [19:22:05] have you had this? [19:22:15] no, it's working fine [19:22:24] I built it with some NASSP changes [19:22:32] I can make a branch with those and push it [19:22:49] it's probably NASSP being built with Orbiter Sound 4 causing the CTD [19:23:36] sure [19:24:25] lol now I am not getting the CTD anymore [19:25:36] might be caused by some NASSP sound playing [19:29:26] https://github.com/orbiternassp/NASSP/tree/ImplementOrbiterSound5 [19:32:24] should have pushed that to my own repo, oh well [19:35:01] thanks [19:35:35] it's really just one line of code changed to use the new 5.0 header [19:35:51] and then every VS project that uses the .lib from 4.0 changed to 5.0 [19:35:52] that's it [19:36:16] ok [19:36:29] but it's definitely a good change, that MFD that comes with Orbiter Sound 4.0 has never worked in Orbiter 2016 [19:36:30] I guess just a bit of testing then it can be merged into the main branch [19:36:32] always caused a CTD [19:36:36] yeah [19:37:09] I was always paranoid of clicking it :D [19:37:29] yeah, crashed me a few times. Not too many, usually misclicks [19:37:35] ah oops, I wasn't 100% up to date with the Orbiter2016 branch [19:42:26] but yeah, I have been using it a bit, it works fine, can be merged soon [19:42:38] one thing, I even get the Orbiter sound when I am tabbed out of Orbiter [19:42:48] was that already the case with 4.0?