[13:31:30] NASSP Logging has been started by n7275 [13:31:32] good morning [13:34:18] hey Matt [13:36:23] how's it going [13:37:04] remember that issue where the CMC is driving the optics in manual mode at times when it shouldn't? [13:37:36] I think I figured out why. In early CSMs that didn't work at all. There was a hardware change in the optics mode switch to allow that [13:37:59] just need to figure out when that happened. I never seem to be able to find the MIT schematic I need for that, but I am slowly getting closer [13:38:12] find anything in the* [13:38:45] also, there is a funny reversal of pages in the Apollo 12 mission report when I was researching it [13:38:57] in the section about anomalies [13:38:59] 14.1.9 Zero Optics Mode Fluctuations [13:39:04] there is a text about that [13:39:09] and then next page, which is the wrong page [13:39:16] "To minimize the problem, urine storage on future missions will be [13:39:18] limited to critical mission time. " [13:39:22] :D [13:41:34] I'll talk to Mike about it later, I'm sure we can figure it out properly [13:43:21] haha. [13:45:40] I found [13:45:49] Engineering Change Proposal 792 [13:45:58] "GNIC wiring change to allow computer aided optics tracking" [13:46:15] retrofit 205, 211 thru 222 [13:46:45] CSM serial number 205 is Skylab 2. 211 is Apollo 12 which is weird [13:46:52] I thought they made this change for Apollo 14. [15:08:50] did you see this https://www.orbiter-forum.com/threads/orbiter-council-to-guide-open-source-development.40409/ [15:12:56] was about time that something like that came up, makes a lot of sense [15:26:33] ok I have done the mission specific code for the rate aided optics. That should prevent that issue with the optics being driven by the CMC in manual mode when it's not desired [15:26:46] provided that the software does it properly of course [15:26:59] which I would expect from the later versions [15:27:15] just need to figure out which mission had that hardware change done to them [15:27:19] missions* [15:27:32] People have been discussing about a council on the orbiter discord too [15:30:58] for a moment I thought this was the only current AGC related issue. But I think we also still haven't figured out that IMU coarse align error we got on Apollo 7 and 9 occasionally. [15:33:22] Our current IMU is just running an equation and fiddling some IO channels. Some day I want to see if it can do some more component level simulation [15:34:03] yeah that would be nice. And use the CDU class for it, too [15:40:33] I would love if it could do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIAQyfK4CMs [15:40:52] I'm pretty sure they had a tumbling IMU on 12 [15:45:45] yeah I think they did [16:16:08] Think I may have fixed building NASSP on Visual Studio 2022, the only build error I was getting was S1B not being able to properly link with PanelSDK.lib, which I *think* I have solved by setting the S1B project to depend on the PanelSDK project via the Solution Properties page. [16:16:32] So far it works for a clean build on Debug and Release configurations [16:18:53] But of course that's just on my machine. If anyone else could test things out that would be awesome. I have a new branch on my personal fork of NASSP called "VS2022-Fixes" which upgrades the toolchain to v14.3 and tweaks that dependency setting, and in my case it "just works" and builds perfectly, can load mission scenes just fine and systems seem to behave as expected. [16:20:33] that panelSDK dependency is probably affecting older versions too, i find i need to build 2-3 times to get all the projects sometimes. [16:27:06] For me it's a consistent "no build" unless I either manually change the linker directory to be an explicit path rather than an implicit/relative one, or forcing the two projects to be explicitly dependent [16:27:36] so I went with the latter because it means we won't have to worry about every NASSP installation needing user-specific configs [16:31:35] agreed. it should build "out of the box". i believe Thymo had done sone work on upgrading to vs 2022/newer build tools so it would be good to get his input. also, for the auto builds we would need to talk to dseagrav [16:44:39] roger [16:49:51] morning! [16:50:26] oh boy y'all are talking about ECPs :D [16:53:22] hey Mike [16:53:32] yeah I had trouble as always with the MIT drawings [16:54:02] but ND-1021043 was somewhat helpful [16:54:14] at least confirming that it was indeed a change [16:54:23] yeah ND-1021042/1021043 are the best starting places for ECPs [16:54:25] and not an error in the early Systems Handbook or so [16:54:38] Apollo 14 was the first mission to use that change [16:54:42] the compatibility charts indicate that ECP 792 was the defining change between 2021290-041 and 2021290-051 [16:54:57] and that applies to which missions then? [16:55:07] well, let's see [16:56:01] Apollo 11 had -041 [16:56:27] as did 12 and 13 [16:56:31] ooh [16:56:46] and 14 had -051 [16:56:59] I was seeing "RETROFIT 205, 211 THRU 222" [16:57:56] assuming Ron transcribed this drawing right [16:59:30] 14 makes the most sense [16:59:48] I interpreted ""RETROFIT 205, 211 THRU 222" and thought it means starting with Apollo 12 [17:00:40] yeah, looks like Ron got that right [17:00:53] did get what right? [17:01:06] those 2xx numbers are MIT guidance system numbers, not Apollo mission numbers [17:01:22] yeah [17:01:28] if you were looking at the ND-1021042, it would look like "RETROFIT 605...." [17:01:38] my quote is from ND-1021043 [17:01:47] right [17:01:48] and you said it starts with Apollo 14 [17:01:53] but 211 is Apollo 12 [17:03:01] yeah not sure what the discrepency is there, but I'd trust 2014999 over ND-1021043 [17:03:11] https://archive.org/details/apertureCardBox465Part2NARASW_images/page/n1380/mode/1up?view=theater [17:03:20] and I think Apollo 14 makes the most sense, so I'll go with that haha [17:03:31] because they added P24 on Apollo 14 [17:03:33] which this change is for [17:05:06] hmmm [17:05:18] so we don't have the revision of 2021290 that covers the -051 variant unfortunately [17:05:31] it would have had to be a schematic change though, so do we have an updated schematic... [17:06:44] yeah I tried finding any relevant schematic that actually shows the change and the switch etc [17:06:52] but I never seem to be able to find anything [17:08:24] NARA's drawing spottiness is definitely not helpful here [17:08:40] I saw the change in the Systems Handbook [17:08:50] but we only have CSM-104 vs. 112 there [17:08:58] so I couldn't tell when the change was really done [17:09:32] basically bypassing the optics mode switch, for that one signal at least [17:10:06] yeah unfortunately we don't have MIT schematics that show that [17:10:08] for the most part the early CMC software versions are good at not trying to drive the optics in manual mode [17:10:22] but we have been a few cases where the optics positioning routine was still running [17:10:26] been getting* [17:10:41] and was overriding what you did manually [17:11:43] but the answer of course is, until they added P24 on Apollo 14 this wasn't even possible, CMC driving optics in manual mode [17:12:33] right [17:13:07] hmm, what's the difference between 2014578 and 2021290... [17:13:27] and from Apollo 14 on they really needed to make sure they don't accidentally have this routine running anywhere but in P24 [17:14:50] right [17:14:53] ah, 2014578 was very early and only for the first few Block II CMs [17:14:53] I found one relevant schematic, but only in the version of the optics panel where it was still one switch with CMC, manual, zero positions, so very outdated... [17:15:03] yeah [17:15:13] yeah we're missing a lot of this one [17:15:55] we have the wiring diagram https://archive.org/details/apertureCardBox467Part2NARASW_images/page/n605/mode/1up?view=theater [17:15:57] pre-change [17:17:54] right [18:16:14] finally figured out how to tweak the DSKY EL colors in NASSP now that I have things actually compiling [18:16:27] or rather the EL digit colors overall [18:16:53] with a hue shift of -10 it looks like a perfect split between the old lime-green and the newer mostly-cyan [18:28:49] oh great. Yeah it probably makes sense to go a bit back to the old green [18:29:10] main roadblock to a PR is that I don't know how to do the same to the virtual cockpit DDS textures [18:32:41] I think my install of Paint.NET can open them with a plugin but since they're compressed I'm not sure how that's gonna work out if I edit them directly rather than regenerating them from the 2D bitmaps [18:32:54] I can actually open them in Visual Studio directly [18:32:58] but I never tried editing them [18:33:56] VS doesn't look like it can edit them, just view as far as I can tell [18:34:07] hmm ok [18:34:20] Alex would know what to do, but it's been a bit since he was here [18:37:32] okay, well I think I managed to edit them okay enough [18:37:36] let's give it a test [18:39:11] everything looks good except for the DSKY digits [18:39:20] there's some compression artifacting or something [18:43:50] fixed! [18:43:52] PR for the optics mode bypass is up [18:43:58] mode switch* [18:44:02] just had to use a different compression format for the DSKY digit texture [18:44:14] ah nice [18:44:19] also recreated it from the original source BMP rather than recompressing the existing texture just in case [18:44:48] basically you just have to take the source bitmap and pad the image dimensions until both axes are a power-of-two [18:44:56] so from 204x19 to 256x32 [18:45:23] and color the padding area to pure magenta (R 255, G 0, B 255) so it's transparent [18:45:46] uhh wait, don't merge that PR [18:47:28] mine or yours? [18:47:35] mine [18:48:24] you figured out that bitmap stuff quickly haha, I've tried a few times to do some editing there. I guess I'll stick to code... [18:48:55] Oh god you found out about hungarian notation lol [18:51:29] nah the code I was "inspired" by for the mission file used it like that [18:51:35] and I just kept it :D [18:52:12] I'll not jokinly use the word stole again, that just leads to discussions... [18:52:45] Haha [18:53:46] we have a range of styles that span idomatic C99ish to modern C++ [18:54:51] tends to happen when lots of people work on a hobby project for 20 years [18:55:38] there's no avoiding it [18:56:53] also fortran IV haha [18:56:54] I wanted to hold the PR because of [18:56:55] CSMHasHGA=FALSE [18:56:57] CSMHasHGA=TRUE [18:57:05] this is how I have done bools in the past [18:57:16] but now I have done [18:57:19] HasRateAidedOptics=1 [18:57:23] I guess I'll change that to [18:57:25] HasRateAidedOptics=TRUE [18:57:31] even if it probably works [18:58:28] which I hadn't actually tested properly either. I tested in the "broken" Apollo 8 scenario [18:58:34] but now I am checking if P24 still works as before [19:02:09] it does [19:02:15] but I'll change it all from 1 to TRUE anyway [19:02:42] that's what the Orbiter API suggests to use for oapiReadItem_bool [19:03:37] that makes sense [19:04:42] and P24 works [19:04:55] always best to give the compiler as few oportunities to mess it up [19:05:09] and the bad Apollo 8 scenario doesn't drive optics in manual mode, so all as intended [19:05:35] nice! [19:06:18] guess I was putting too much faith into the (non) fact that the J-mission Systems Handbook applied to all missions in this case [19:07:03] I was tempted for a moment to implement the full relay logic for optics modes, but this change is simpler. [19:10:27] the csm114 systens handbook is a really nice scan. i wish we had the others like that [19:20:53] okay, PR for the new EL display color submitted [19:21:23] I included a bunch of screenshots to hopefully make it easier for people to see how they like the new color in use [19:28:59] And the DSKY wars continue... [19:32:11] hahahaha [19:32:43] yeah I'm just trying to strike a balance between the perceived color and the actual color, and I think the current color is too cyan [19:36:18] that's probably correct. And on the other hand, I recently looked at my Apollo 4 videos that were made just before the change. And it looks sooooo green. [19:39:10] agreed, and same with other on-board footage from other missions tbh [19:39:35] but again that could be largely because of the way that the film and TV cameras pick up the very wide-band wavelength that the EL displays output [19:40:01] yeah, it's so difficult to really get it right [19:42:16] the changes were made in the first place because thewonderidiot had seen how an actual DSKY looks [19:42:30] but then the color probably changed over 50 years... [19:45:28] I do think the current NASSP color is probably too blue [19:47:14] the somewhat color-adjusted shot at the end of Marc's video is probably closest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feRCZyLzAwA&t=2064s [19:48:12] and I think James's NASSP adjustments come pretty close to that [19:49:11] great :D [20:03:49] yay :) [20:06:33] Mike, do you still have that EL display? that's something else I would love to see in person at some point, haha [20:07:00] then maybe I could finally get an appreciation for how strange the color is [20:08:19] it's still in Marc's basement [20:10:17] ah dang [20:15:53] another thing I'm considering is recreating these digit bitmaps from a vector drawing, I'm no artist but I think over the years there has been some quality loss or compression that has resulted in certain digits looking slightly crunchy when viewed up close [20:17:04] thewonderidiot, do you have the documentation regarding the shape and size of the EL displays? I could theoretically recreate them in vector form [20:17:14] specifically the digits themselves [20:17:40] of course I do :) [20:18:12] those are p/n 1006315 [20:18:22] https://archive.org/details/apertureCardBox439Part2NARASW_images/page/n222/mode/1up?view=theater [20:18:39] fantastic [20:19:07] like I said, I'm not very artistically inclined but for simple digits like this I might be able to do it [20:20:16] keep in mind that that drawing does not include the protective frame that goes over that [20:21:46] also, here's my photo album that includes some hi-res closeups: https://photos.app.goo.gl/t8maF47BxQ9DD9EP6 [20:23:34] roger, I just want to recreate the EL digits themselves as well as the other DSKY segments [20:26:28] indy91: Do you use the resource view to add a new bitmap or do you do it manually? [20:27:38] I don't think I ever added a new bitmap [20:28:04] so I don't know [20:29:40] Gotcha [20:30:53] I am really clueless when it comes to that stuff. I would love to add a mesh with texture for cue cards to add in the VC but I'm not getting very far. [20:31:11] so I need to outsource that some time :D [20:51:16] outsourcing projects? brilliant :D [21:40:58] thewonderidiot, how would I read the dimensions for these segment displays? it often has two different numbers and they use dots and hyphens next to the numbers and I'm not sure what that means. [21:41:48] I'm not sure what you mean by dots and hyphens [21:42:12] the two numbers vertically stacked are min/max dimensions -- they all have a built-in manufacturing tolerance [21:42:27] I usually split the difference and average the two numbers [21:42:57] oh hang on, I think those are for angles [21:43:08] degrees and... seconds? minutes? [21:43:17] minutes [21:43:20] okay [21:43:23] if you mean ° and ', yes that is degrees in minutes [21:43:37] so 15°30' would be 15.5 [21:43:42] awesome [21:44:22] then yeah I think I can recreate these, my vector art program of choice has variable sizing for its stuff and I can work in inches quite easily [21:56:59] CaptainSwag101, in the screenshots of your PR, it almost looks like the 2D and VC colors are different [21:57:07] is that just the different lighting in the VC? [21:57:32] I think it is, but it could also be due to the texture compression used in DDS [21:57:36] 2D panel seems more...vibrant [21:58:30] absolutely [21:59:09] I might actually hold off on having this PR merged because I wanna see if I can incorporate my new from-schematics DSKY digits [21:59:38] right [22:00:07] ah great, it's midnight already. Already hate daylight savings again. Good night! [22:00:52] night! [22:21:48] I tried to upgrade the dsky digits a few months ago but then i remembered that my artistic skils don't extend very far outside of music... [22:22:22] the first indication of which should've been my tool of choice [22:23:03] *choice of tool [22:31:31] hehehe [23:13:47] okay, gonna test these new digits [23:14:28] oh dear, the texture alignment is all wrong [23:16:17] the digits are slightly too wide horizontally [23:18:52] damn, the displays are all expecting digits skewed by 13 or 14 degrees instead of the 15 degrees in the NASA spec [23:19:38] I may need to mess with some code to fix that [23:20:08] i think you probably will [23:21:45] both the 2d and 3d cockpit use the blit method [23:22:13] argh [23:23:11] but this might be a good oportunity to upgrade [23:24:35] the newer method uses a texture on a 2d mesh for stuff like this [23:28:19] for the time being I'm just rescaling my texture lol [23:41:17] easy solution for now [23:42:58] it wouldnt hirt th reach out to Alrx on the forums though [23:43:05] *hurt [23:43:19] small keyboard... [23:48:41] yeah you have a point [23:48:57] my main concern is that it's a much bigger undertaking [00:35:28] Okay, I think my PR should be good to review now, thanks for bearing with me lol [00:35:52] I had to make several tweaks to the scaled bitmap to make things look better at that size [01:19:48] it looks great from the screenshots. will have to pull and test it out. [01:35:16] The nice thing about this is, the digits are vector graphics meaning they can be scaled infinitely as required [01:35:28] though of course they are rendered to a bitmap for actual use [01:36:16] but if we were to ever perform a texture remaster/overhaul or something, it would be trivial to re-export these digit graphics from the original source file at any new resolution [01:41:15] it would be fun to do the digits by relay-segment group, at some point [01:41:45] my original source files could handle that as well, each segment is its own object [02:09:09] nice! [02:09:56] That's actually how I created the digits in the NASSP bitmap for the PR, I just copied the whole digit over and over and switched different segments on and off to create the proper numbers [03:44:44] made a few tweaks to the original source file, looks like I had a very minor vertical misalignment which was causing the top row of pixels to be less defined in several numbers, that's largely fixed now [03:45:54] honestly I want this PR to be absolutely perfect before it's merged, since it changes visual aspects that people are going to be seeing in NASSP 8.0 stable going forward, my aim is for it to be about as good-looking as is reasonably possible [14:49:49] good morning [15:35:07] good morning [15:36:20] hey guys [15:45:19] thinking about ullage stuff [15:45:37] especially for Apollo 7 [15:45:55] RTCC MFD and MCC need to support it better. And it needs to be more consistent [15:47:01] have all checklists been updated to say that ullage should be done? For Apollo 7 as well or not yet? [15:52:10] I havent touched 7 [15:52:22] I believe I had 9 and 11 fixed to include it but I can go back to verify [15:52:30] ok [15:52:36] I am working 10 right now, it will have them when I complete the mission [15:52:38] I'll do some updates over the next time [15:52:51] then it would be good to update Apollo 7. Right now it's too early [15:53:46] sounds good [15:54:03] Right now the DV of the two minimum impulse SPS burns is calculated for 0.5 seconds and no ullage [15:54:13] if you do ullage anyway you get a shorter burntime for the SPS [15:54:19] which is actually somewhat unsafe [15:54:33] or at least it's not predictable what happens below 0.4 seconds I think [15:54:56] and we don't want to do procedures that are unsafe :D [15:55:40] I will always add ullage duration on the Maneuver PAD then [15:56:09] which is not quite correct for Apollo 7 I believe, they didn't always get a comment. Only when it deviated from 4 jets 15 seconds [15:56:31] Sounds good and they will all be on the checklists as well from the flight plans [15:56:38] Unless you want to be able to compute them [15:56:45] yeah, I'll use the flight plan values [15:56:59] they weren't super consistent with these times and 2 vs 4 jets [15:57:00] Ok sounds good [15:57:31] I'm looking at it chronological, so NCC-1. Two-impulse processor. [15:57:40] In non-MPT mode you can't select ullage thrust yet [15:57:59] and that does have a small impact on the TIG calculate of the finite burn [15:58:05] calculation* [15:58:48] isnt ullage on the maneuver pad page? [15:58:58] yeah, the Maneuver PAD can now simulate it [15:59:24] but the TIG and DV aren't calculated with that taken into account yet [15:59:40] on that maneuver transfer page [16:00:23] which in MPT mode and non-MPT mode calculates the correct TIG for the specific thruster [16:01:00] to get the same trajectory as if the burn was instant [16:01:13] ahh [16:01:14] that can't take ullage thrust into account yet in non-MPT mode [16:01:29] and with light CSM ullage is already a few DV [16:01:33] ft/s of DV* [16:02:27] of course Average G sees the ullage and then burns the SPS for a shorter time. So you apply the right total DV but not at exactly the right time if you are following what I mean [16:02:34] I doubt it's more than a few tenths of a second though [16:02:52] but the MPT takes that into account, so it should be taken into account in general [16:03:10] Looks like I need to add ullage for 8 [16:03:31] for TEI only I believe [16:04:08] other missions needed it for LOI-2 [16:04:16] but CSM only LOI-1 doesn't burn much prop [16:04:36] Let me rephrase, I need to denote "No Ullage" for many SPS burns on 8 :P [16:08:51] oh haha [16:09:19] not that it hurts to do ullage [16:09:24] only waste of gas [16:29:23] indy91: The discussion about 2010 being better than 2016 has started again in the orbiter council thread. Maybe worth mentioning the physics problems we've had the necessitates 2016? [16:31:05] Apollo 9 DPS docked burn is impossible in Orbiter 2010 [16:31:22] SPS needed to have a different gain, but that is part of the padload [16:31:28] for the LGC it's all hardcoded [16:32:24] I would also say that Orbiter 2010 was better in some ways. Better performance, less bugs. But that is things we could improve with Open Orbiter [16:47:38] the single most requested feature in orbiter from 2000-2015 was 3d terrain. then it gets added and requires a few changes to touchdown points and everyone loses it... [16:48:01] morning! [16:51:56] hey Mike [16:52:26] n7275, that's easily said, I'm not sure you understand the pain (mostly) Alex and I went through to get anywhere with the touchdown points :D [16:53:48] hehehe I remember all of the touchdown point discussion and fiddling well :P [16:54:45] fair enough. personally, i think what really slowed 2016 adoption down is that a few closed-source addons were never updated. [17:09:46] what's been going on with open orbiter anyways? I haven't really been keeping up with it [17:34:40] thewonderidiot, do you happen to know if the DSKY uses smaller digit sizes than the other EL displays? In NASSP the DSKY/DEDA/EMS digit bitmap is about 10% smaller than the texture for the other EL displays, and even if I rework the code to use digits of the same size, now we can only fit 4 digits on the DSKY's 5-digit registers [17:34:55] no idea [17:35:16] they all came from different manufacturers so the size/shape/color/etc. is pretty much guaranteed to be different [17:35:22] but without drawings we don't know different how [17:35:26] dang [17:35:46] the annoying thing is, the DSKY fits those 4 digits PERFECTLY. Problem is we need all five lol [17:41:30] well no big deal, I have reworked the drawing code to be more configureable and to match the new layout of the digits, so even if I have to resize it, it should be fine [17:45:26] the NASSP panels were also long before we had actual engineering drawings for the DSKY, so the dimensions of what you're trying to fit into could very well be off as well [17:47:28] that's a good point [17:48:18] but redrawing the DSKY would be well beyond the scope of what I can do [18:23:51] thewonderidiot, not much happening with Open Orbiter at all. I guess that is why there now is a discussion about how the further development should look like in principle. [18:31:39] does anybody know if the colon and decimal point EL digits in the existing texture are actually used? I haven't seen them used anywhere, nor have I seen special-case code in NASSP for them either [18:43:23] CaptainSwag101, I think no, none of the digital LM display use those either [18:46:02] Okay, I just checked and it looks like the EMS uses the decimal point at least [18:46:14] ah true [18:46:18] I'm gonna get rid of the colon character though [18:47:11] I'm currently reworking the drawing routines to be more configurable as well, right now we're using integer literals for all the size values and that's not ideal, so I'm adding some basic constants and using those instead [18:47:45] that is, in the DSKY and other EL digit drawing routines. Not every single drawing routine in the project lol [18:50:07] is that all for the update with the color update? [18:50:22] sounds like the scope has become a bit larger haha [18:51:17] indy91 a few maneuvers I do not have ullage in the checklist as they possibly could be P40 or P41, would ullage per maneuver pad be sufficient for those when ullages get put into SPS maneuver pads?? [18:51:43] For known SPS maneuver with ullage I have them included [18:52:17] yeah scope has creeped a bit lol [18:55:50] rcflyinghokie, yeah I can add a remark to the Maneuver PAD with ullage duration if it turns out to be P40 [18:56:38] Sounds good, and I will leave known SPS burns with the flight plan ullage [18:58:30] just testing it for the first time, Apollo 7 NCC-1. the ignition time (so SPS engine on) differs by 0.5 seconds for 0 seconds ullage vs. 15 seconds [18:59:17] so somewhat significant I would say [18:59:54] but not like you are screwing up your mission when the ullage isn't performed exactly as planned [18:59:55] how much dV is that about [19:01:40] the ullage? I am not sure, a small number of ft/s I would think [19:02:15] NCC1 still pretty full SPS [19:02:39] well yeah, but Apollo 7 only launched with 30% or so [19:02:47] Ahh thats right [19:03:13] but the ullage DV is going to be more significant later that's for sure [19:03:24] 23.9% actually [19:21:16] hmm, I can't seem to find the code that renders the LM propellant/helium EL displays [19:21:45] I've updated every other occurrence of digit-drawing code that I can find otherwise and they seem to work fine as-is, but I'd like to keep them all consistent [19:26:22] should be in lemswitches.cpp [19:26:32] LEMDigitalHeliumPressureMeter [19:26:43] awesome, thank you [19:49:46] I just found a bug, in the 3D virtual cockpit, the EMS display does not cap its negative value at -1000.0 [19:50:27] oops. That limiting code must have been in the 2D display code [19:51:24] the thing is, the actual value on the screen will go past that cap even when in 2D, it just doesn't update the displayed value. if you hold the DECR switch for several seconds at -1000.0 and switch to 3D the value is less than -1000 [19:51:47] the behavior indicates to me that the cap is only visual, not actually limiting the internal value [19:57:01] hmm ok [19:57:10] I'll have a look some time [19:59:00] It also feels like the hitbox for the EMS INCR/DECR switch is offset too low in the 3D VC, clicking on the top of the switch does nothing, clicking on the bottom increments, and clicking below the bottom decrements [19:59:32] oh weird, I switched out of VC and back, and now it's fine [20:00:36] VC isn't quite perfected yet [20:02:02] but small offset like that that suddenly goes away is unusual [20:03:04] I was loading from a quicksave made in VC [20:07:39] does the scenario have a LM? [20:07:46] yes [20:08:07] then clickspots don't work anyway before you don't switch positions once [20:08:31] had you already done that? [20:08:57] I mean they do work, they're just all vertically lower than they should be by a few inches [20:09:08] but yes, switching positions does fix it [20:09:15] right [20:09:26] yeah I think that is a known Orbiter bug [20:09:33] if two vessels with VC are in the simulation [20:09:36] #JustOrbiterthings [20:10:29] https://www.orbiter-forum.com/threads/orbiter-beta-r90-suspected-bug-with-shiftcg-call-and-vc-click-spots.40308/ [20:13:54] usually the clickspots are quite far away from where they should be with this bug [20:14:04] so that you can't even press them at all [20:14:15] in your scenario the ShiftCG must have been near 0 [20:24:29] interesting [20:25:02] also, I've finished my code changes and adjusted the new EL digit bitmaps so every digit is pixel-aligned and of consistent width. [20:25:33] I think this should be everything needed to make these new digits work properly and throughout the future [20:28:05] awesome [20:33:44] here's an unrelated question about a far-off plan that Thymo and I were wondering about: replacing the oapiBlit() calls for 2D drawing with something like oapi::Sketchpad usage. I don't really know much about the subject but according to Thymo all these blit calls are inefficient and it would be smarter to use one of Orbiter's more modern APIs for drawing [20:34:44] But naturally that would probably involve significant rework of a good chunk of the existing 2D rendering code [20:42:22] Take a look at how the deltaglider dies its 2d pannel for reference. [20:42:27] does [20:42:32] yeah I was going to say [20:42:42] we use the old 2D panel format with bitmaps [20:42:54] the DG has a 2D mesh and dds files [20:43:40] sounds complicated [20:44:08] I don't think it's super complicated. The problem is implementing that for our giant 2D panel systems [20:44:26] and not loosing any features [20:46:08] Thread 'Developer masterclass: Creating 2-D panels the new way' https://www.orbiter-forum.com/threads/developer-masterclass-creating-2-d-panels-the-new-way.38537/ [20:46:45] oh man so we're still using a pre-2010 method? lol [20:51:36] Haha so sometimes when I load a scn with the labels displayed they appear floating above the moon :P [20:52:09] https://www.dropbox.com/s/wfmorxj2bhi1u54/Screenshot%202022-03-28%20145157.jpg?dl=0 [20:53:48] ha, that's weird [20:53:52] Orbiter what you doing [20:54:24] I wonder if these are markers where Orbiter calculates the elevation dynamically [20:54:27] and not a fixed value [20:54:37] and the dynamic calculation is what fails [20:54:41] CaptainSwag101 remember that directx 7 came out in 1999. the pannels are from circa 2003ish [20:54:53] but that reminds me, I need to finish our own marker file :D [20:55:04] good point, but still, wow [20:55:19] since I'm new here it's still a bit surprising how long this project has been going [20:56:05] I'd say between 2010 and 2014 there was also not too much activity. Development was still going on, but it had slowed down a lot [20:56:21] Hmm so I load an older save and they are fine but any subsequent saves seem to have this issue [20:57:08] weird that it would depend on the save file [20:57:42] interesting, well I'm glad to see things are picking back up again :) [20:59:42] rcflyinghokie1, I cannot imagine that NASSP has anything to do with that [21:01:27] #JustOrbiterThings [21:01:38] Haha yeah [21:01:52] Reloaded the save again and its normal [21:08:05] good night! [21:08:09] night [09:27:16] hello [09:28:49] anyone available for questions? [11:44:58] hello [11:45:10] usually a bit later in the day [15:10:54] good morning [15:13:12] the orbiter development discord has been fairly active for the past few days. we might be close to getting a release [15:13:25] you on discord at all? [15:14:01] not really [15:14:12] I have it installed from a few years ago, but never much used it [15:15:15] from what I have heard is, if I join the NASSP discord I can say goodbye to development because I will be customer support full time :D [15:16:45] you would be very popular there [15:21:31] good to know haha [15:43:05] if we could ever get you on a stream it would be awesome. [16:04:50] Yeah people really like to slam you with questions. Ryan, in particular. [16:05:20] I turned off notifications as my phone would be vibrating pretty much the whole day [16:07:10] well I just joined haha, let's see if I can still get anything done [16:07:50] haha its become a useful face for troubleshooting for sure [16:47:39] morning! [16:48:07] hey [16:48:51] haha Nik gets to now see Mr Residuals problems first hand like Thymo and I have :P [16:49:08] uh oh [16:50:22] more problems than just large residuals I guess :D [16:54:07] I have a feeling we may need to makr XRSound part of our 8.0 plan. [16:54:16] *make [17:02:56] is Orbiter Sound causing issues? [17:05:31] not yet. i assume that OpenOrbiterx86 will support it, but dan hasnt logged into his own forums in almost a year [17:09:58] it quite a long time for Orbiter Sound 5.0 to show up, too. Dan was inactive for some period there as well [17:30:56] as it stands now Orbiter builds with a sound addon for which we have the source. it would make sense to support it. probably a huge amount of work though [17:34:44] maybe, but I guess getting started is really the main hurdle. Just understand the API and such [17:34:54] understanding* [18:00:19] probably easier to remove all sounds and then start tabula rasa [18:01:57] not a bad idea actually [18:05:01] would be a new approach, more often than not we put a new version of something on top of an old version with lots of ugly code [19:22:09] Hey fellas [19:27:02] hey [19:28:22] hey! [19:29:12] Are you reay for May 18th? [19:29:32] I decided to give me a rest in training [19:29:57] Wanted to do Apollo 8 a second time but it´s too many hours :) [19:30:19] So I will switch to specific trainings... P23´s, P22´s... [19:30:27] That kinds of things [19:30:49] I will post questions in the forums in the coming up weeks [19:31:37] ok [19:31:49] don't forget to practice reentry [19:32:02] Correct :D [19:32:07] the timeline seems very relaxed until it suddenly isn't near CM/SM sep [19:32:27] Well didn´t have much difficulty the last time... [19:32:38] I felt more unconfortable on Apollo 7 [19:32:45] With that horizon tracking... [19:32:47] yeah, that timeline is not so nice [19:32:57] we should try to promote it a bit more in advance this time. [19:33:05] Yep [19:33:16] they cleaned up the reentry procedures from Earth orbit eventually. If you do the contingency deorbit stuff from Apollo 15 for example it's easily doable [19:33:28] Apollo 7 had a lot of steps [19:33:47] They wanted to test things, I assume... [19:34:08] And didn´t have the experience or confidence with the CM [19:34:14] I assume [19:34:41] you would be surprised how much better they got at coming up with procedures from Apollo 7 through 17 [19:35:28] correct DAP config, a logical sequence of attitude maneuvers, that sort of stuff [19:36:21] Aha [20:26:23] "The face of WTF" https://prnt.sc/EkGUIrb55xSU [20:31:06] don't remind me :D [20:31:59] before you have to abort again I will rather calculate a MCC-1 by hand [20:33:21] But I am the one who started running in circles :D [20:34:00] It won´t happpen again, Houston [20:34:19] We will successfully land the CSM on the moon [20:37:19] Jim Lovell finally on the Moon [20:41:59] Well the SPS was designed to land on the moon... [20:43:33] Oh really? [20:43:46] But not to land on the SPS... [20:43:54] Haha correct [20:45:12] yeah the SPS thrust was specified for the direct landing. So no LM, no lunar orbit rendezvous [20:45:22] one big vehicle [20:45:58] With Landing Gear [20:46:04] And a big stair [20:46:30] I don't know how they were going to land without throttling though [20:46:42] maybe they dropped that requirement early on [20:47:11] somewhere I have some PDFs of the original, 1961 Apollo study [20:48:50] how would the sps engine hold up to PWM? [20:49:13] n7275Though of that... [20:49:28] But don´t know if possible [20:51:12] Pulse-width modulation? [20:52:34] CSM Data Book says [20:52:40] "No burn less than 0.50 second" [20:52:49] "No engine restart in less than 60 seconds after a previous shutdown." [20:53:02] :C [20:53:12] but it says that for non-critical burns [20:53:21] for critical burns it says "lol just do what you want" [20:54:06] PDI is a critucal burn so... :D [20:56:12] yeah [20:56:28] it does say critical means any burn that is critical for crew, vehicle or mission [20:56:45] to save* [21:09:44] Good night [21:16:27] night! [14:04:48] hey [14:06:12] hey Nik [17:09:41] morning! [17:17:03] hey Mike [17:19:11] what's up? [17:22:21] somehow I got thinking about flexible launch times [17:22:36] like countdown holds, calculating new targeting parameters for e.g. Skylab [17:22:48] all that doesn't work in NASSP yet [17:23:19] mostly because a lot of events are tied to a mission time which can't be safely stopped or manipulated [17:24:07] oh boy haha [17:25:38] I see you are also posting yor status reports on the rope reader on Discord. I guess I can catch up there now :D [17:31:48] hahaha [17:31:50] yeah [17:48:34] making really good progress on the GUI/firmware/FPGA side of things [17:48:56] I can adjust the timing waveforms and command a single word read now [17:49:10] which is finally most of what I need to go back to assembling my board [17:49:36] next up is populating the set and reset drivers, so I can get rid of the old breadboard version of them [17:54:29] impressive progress [18:01:12] hahaha I guess. it feels slow [18:01:19] it's already April [18:01:59] not in my timezone [18:02:20] well not in mine either [18:02:28] but I mean, it's practically here haha [18:03:23] doesn't feel like April, we have snow predicted for April 1 to 3 [18:03:59] so it's practically February :D [18:05:07] hehehehe [18:07:58] so in the future either the mobile launcher vessel or the LCC (when that gets added to all scenarios) should be doing the time keeping for liftoff [18:08:22] and something like the PAMFD shouldn't check the mission time from the Saturn class, but eiter LCC or MCC [18:08:58] LCC vessel could be deleted some time after launch, so PAMFD could first check if it has a valid pointer to the LCC and get its mission time from there [18:09:01] otherwise the MCC [18:42:36] LCC would make sense [18:47:36] I already implemented a LCC vessel with special LCC MFD [18:47:41] but it's not required yet [18:47:51] it can run some checkout programs [18:48:06] like an EDS prelaunch test, a bit of a light show in the CSM [19:13:09] Hello , could someone please send me an invite to join the Discord Server [19:16:19] https://discord.gg/cErw3xfq [19:19:16] Thank you [19:49:45] probably some intereating things we could do with IU telemetry at some point [20:02:02] I'm more interested in the other direction haha [20:02:10] uplinking launch parameters [20:49:18] ooooh [20:49:30] haha [13:36:08] hey [14:03:08] I feel like something looks off about the new DSKY digits [14:09:26] maybe I just need to get used to them [14:14:55] Thats how I felt with the cyan ones haha [14:15:03] They do feel "dim" to me though [14:27:17] hey [14:27:35] its a color gamut problem [14:28:33] that wavelength is in the worst-represented part of the RBG vs human eye [14:29:04] the DSKY engineers did that on purpose to confuse us [14:29:45] haha [14:31:33] n7275, a long time ago I ported my launch window/targeting processor from the Shuttle FDO MFD to the RTCC MFD, but never used it so far. I just made it buildable, no display in the MFD yet [14:32:16] and our Saturn IB LVDC class already has the "uplink" function that they had for Skylab missions [14:32:31] but the biggest obstable is not being to do countdown holds [14:32:40] also D3D9 client isn't super smart about light sources other than the sun and spotlights. maybe when we get DX11+ we'll be able to make it look better [14:32:59] obstacle* [14:34:07] countdown holds sound complicated [14:34:42] yeah, the main problem is really that a lot of places use the mission time [14:35:32] long term I want to remove all the places that use that time [14:35:35] how was it done IRL? [14:36:33] well you would go into a hold, figure out the right time to continue and then start again. And possibly doing a recycle [14:36:42] SSU supports that, so we can learn from their code [14:37:12] the launch window they had on Skylab was 10 minutes. So we could probably get away with launching at a slightly suboptimal time, but with the correct insertion target [14:37:34] did the RTCC keep track of the official time or was that done another or multiple systems and synchronized? [14:37:56] I think it was the RTCC, at last after launch [14:39:10] I think there was dedicated hardware in the RTCC 360s that wrote the mission time into a specific memory address [14:39:24] that would make sense [14:39:37] they used GMT and GET, GMT since midnight launch day [14:39:50] before liftoff the time reference form GET was the predicted time [14:40:15] after liftoff they got some automated signal that the Saturn was started being track [14:40:29] that was the automatic liftoff signal to MCC-H, but the FIDO also had a switch [14:40:44] and then they got the TEPHEM from the CMC via telemetry [14:40:55] and that was then the official liftoff time [14:41:05] so a few tenths after the planned time usually [14:41:39] RETRO took care of that, just after the launch [14:42:29] and then, well. They had the time of launch since midnight stored [14:42:39] that sounds like something we could simulate. LCC, RTCC and ML just need to talk to eachother [14:43:34] yeah, I would like to make the PAMFD for example get its mission time from those sources and not the Saturn class [14:43:54] if you do a liftoff time update like on Apollo 14 and 17 then that mission time doesn't get updated [14:44:03] but always shows time since actual launch [14:45:08] TIME MANAGEMENT [14:45:15] The RTCC System/360 Model 75 computers are equipped with a special high [14:45:16] resolution GMT clock and interval timer. [14:45:21] To provide support for this special [14:45:21] hardware, a time management supervisor was developed for JRTOS/360, which [14:45:22] functions in parallel with the standard OS/360 time management routines. [14:45:26] The [14:45:26] time supervisor maintains the system time in a job step pseudo-clock, and it [14:45:27] controls the setting and interrupt handling from the GMT hardware to keep time [14:45:27] and service interval time-out requests from the routing supervisor and other [14:45:27] areas of RTOS/360. [14:45:30] Additional functions have been added to the time supervisor [14:45:31] that provide optional controls over the job step pseudo-clock. [14:46:47] I guess that is equivalent to this function I have in our RTCC [14:46:49] double RTCC::RTCCPresentTimeGMT() [14:46:49] { [14:46:50] return (oapiGetSimMJD() -SystemParameters.GMTBASE)*24.0*3600.0; [14:46:51] } [14:49:12] A lot more complex timekeeping than I thought [14:52:59] I guess the first step for that is to make the PAMFD shows RTCC mission time [14:53:17] then the internal "mission time" of the Saturn and LM class is basically hidden [14:53:25] and it wouldn't even matter if that is not 0 at liftoff [14:54:27] and over time those mission times can be removed. Their main purpose is to have a time reference for timesteps that does not even get lost when you save/load [14:54:52] but that's already not working perfectly as we get drifting clocks over a full mission [14:56:15] Drifting in the AGC or RTCC/PAMFD [14:56:17] Or both [14:56:26] AGC [14:56:43] RTCC has fixed times saved [14:56:58] and when it needs to get current GET for example it calculates it from simulation MJD and those stored times [14:57:14] the AGC (and all other systems) use the simdt for the timesteps [14:57:28] every timestep [14:57:39] so part of the issue is probably rounding over millions of timesteps [14:58:06] Did we see any AGC time drift in the realtime Apolli 7 mission? [14:58:18] I'm sure there was some [14:58:19] *Apollo [14:58:30] Other missions had time drift as well did they not? [14:58:44] yes, but we get more than realistic [14:58:58] I have uplink lists for 2 or 3 mission [14:59:07] and they did some clock update uplinks, but very small [14:59:17] like a handful of 0.05 seconds uplinks or so [14:59:48] the realtime Apollo 7 mission was before I added those clock update uplinks [14:59:55] in the RTCC MFD [15:00:15] I would have had him check the clock with the RTCC MFD otherwise [15:00:28] saving/loading of doubles isn't done at full precision, in most cases I don't think [15:00:33] could be wrong though [15:01:17] it's true. Although for the AGC, it doesn't actually use anything from the scenario for timekeeping [15:01:36] it's just that the Saturn/LM class mission time use the same method for updating as the AGC [15:01:43] so that mission time also drifts [15:02:04] I think I saw it in an old Apollo 7 scenario near the end of the mission [15:02:09] it was off by like 1.5 seconds [15:02:48] so pretty sure that mission time and AGC clock drift by the same amount for the same reason [15:03:13] I don't know if repeatedly saving/loading does something bad, there could be something off on the first timestep after loading [15:04:01] I am fairly sure about the cause. The "simdt" use to update the times is an estimate how long the frame is [15:04:07] used* [15:04:28] so the actual frame is sometimes very slightly longer [15:06:34] that is something dseagrav noticed many years ago [15:08:06] Would pausing or not pausing when saving impact this? [15:08:21] I know I got into the pause habit a while ago [15:08:43] yeah when my quicksave folder is full I go to 0.1x for saving [15:08:52] that causes one long timestep [15:09:26] I don't think that makes it worse, no [15:11:54] unstable framerate could make it worse, but I don't really know [15:12:36] I have checked a lot of scenarios and while there is some variation I can't say what exactly makes it worse [15:28:51] n7275, where did you read that about special memory location for time? [15:29:37] I guess what I want to do is calculate GET and GMT in the RTCC timestep function. that function doesn't have many uses yet haha, but this seems like a good one. [16:26:13] i cant remember [16:26:58] so dont trust that too much [16:39:30] morning! [16:39:36] hmm the IBM functional characteristics doc mentions an interval timer as a standard feature [16:39:40] hey mike [16:40:04] theres even a switch on the front pannel for disabeling it [16:42:04] ooooh hmm [16:42:19] maybe i was thinking of the 7094 rtcc [16:43:17] those definitely had an interval timer as an rpq option. standard was just based on line frequency [16:51:00] I will probably implement a current GMT variable only [16:51:19] wherever I see current GET being used I also see the system parameter for liftoff time [16:51:47] so when a function needs current GET it will just do GET = GMT clock - GMTLO [16:55:01] lots of MEDs check against current GET, too [16:55:15] but they will convert the input GET to GMT before that [16:56:12] accordimg to the manual, its a 32bit word starting at 0x50 [16:59:09] if you want to ever impliment a model 75 front pannel we can holds by flipping the disable timer switch located in section Q.... [17:07:07] haha nice [17:07:08] which manual is that? [17:07:28] http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/360/operatingGuide/R20-1078-2_System_360_Operators_Reference_Guide_1968.pdf [17:07:35] page 40 [17:08:06] thanks [17:59:59] I've had a PR up for two days, would be nice if someone was looking at it [18:28:19] rcflyinghokie can you test this one out. i can review the code but I can't build or test because my computer is currently packed for moving [18:28:47] Yeah I can, what in particular needs to be checked [18:28:50] nothing [18:28:56] but I am forced to do PRs [18:29:00] :D [18:29:01] Ahhh [18:29:04] Fair [18:30:08] if you do want to test it, load the Apollo 7 scenario before NCC-1 [18:30:29] and calculate the NCC-1 maneuver with the RTCC MFD, all the way to the Maneuver PAD [18:33:26] I should start testing your checklist updates, we need to try and fix the checklist positions in the T-60s scenarios [18:33:50] it's especially annoying if it's off there [18:36:43] the checklist save format is just bad, takes up a lot of lines and you can't really try editing it [18:37:19] Yeah its hard to fix them in the mission saves [18:37:29] I wish there was a better way to do them [18:39:57] indy91 which branch do you have those in [18:40:08] Orbiter2016 [18:40:34] Apollo 11 T-30s scenario [18:41:07] I mean the PR you want looked at [18:41:21] Ah I see [18:41:23] indy91/Orbiter2016 [18:45:34] Bear with me, I havent used RTCC on 7 yet [18:45:44] Which processor am I using [18:45:51] two impulse [18:45:55] T1 26:25:0 [18:46:02] T2 28:0:0 (NSR time) [18:46:28] DH 8 NM [18:46:33] phase angle 1.32 [18:47:19] Hey, I need to hand in my thesis this week so I haven't been paying too much attention to anything outside of that. PR LGTM. [18:47:51] great, thanks [18:48:43] Seemed to work for me [18:49:15] the new part is the transfer page [18:49:18] in this case not to the MPT [18:49:22] but with the same inputs as the MPT [18:49:32] so even without MPT you now have ullage options [18:49:34] iterate [18:49:35] etc. [18:49:54] and it automatically saves those for the Maneuver PAD, too [18:50:06] not just TIG and DV but engine and ullage options [18:51:37] I noticed that [18:52:08] the flight plan actually had ullage DVs, I was looking for it on the DMT but didn't find it :D [18:52:15] for NCC-1 5.8 ft/s I think [18:52:18] so quite a bit [18:52:28] no wonder the TIG changed by 0.5 seconds when taking that into account [18:52:53] and I'll be adding calculations that take ullage into account for the Apollo 7 MCC calculated maneuvers [18:52:57] and other processors in the MFD [18:57:14] Those will impact ullage computations for any RTCC use? [18:58:38] yeah mainly for calculating the exact SPS time of ignition [18:59:19] for NCC-1 that made a 0.5 second difference [18:59:26] so small, not not zero [18:59:29] but not* [19:01:57] Still can have an impact of course [19:03:56] yeah [19:04:02] it just needs to be consistent [19:23:59] n7275 what changes to radiators have you made last [19:24:18] We have a few that dont seem to cool like they used to (SPS line and LM RR for instance) [19:40:37] the only substantial radiator change I made was so that when in earth atmosphere they would be heated by the air [19:42:28] Hmm wonder why the RR seems to heat more now [19:43:06] https://github.com/orbiternassp/NASSP/blob/45252f5b6cbbe4a53a636e47fd88ea0b17e96b96/Orbitersdk/samples/ProjectApollo/src_sys/PanelSDK/Internals/Hsystems.cpp#L995 [19:44:50] Hmm that shouldnt impact lunar orbit or a 120nmi earth orbit should it [19:46:03] What about anything with the thermal engine? [19:51:15] hmmmm [19:51:28] I did adjust this line Q3 = (float) (q * pow(runner->Temp - 2.7, 4)); [19:51:36] from 3.0 to 2.7 [19:53:13] at 300K that would result in 0.4% more heat being radiated [19:55:16] and those convective heating values are weighted by atmospheric density, so you don't get cooked in LEO by the 1000K ultra low density air [19:58:09] a good way to check whoud be to poke a debug string at the radiative cooling, and the normal heating input and make sure that those are equal [20:02:48] Hmm the issue seems to be not cooling enough [20:20:47] Fixed the Apollo 8 PTC procedures [20:27:45] do you know approx. when this issue started? [20:33:27] I kinda want to checkout a commit from a year ago or so and compare [20:37:02] not thatI can do that for a few days mind you... [21:00:32] night! [21:12:00] looks like we have some LOI-2 issues to look at [21:35:56] n7275 not sure I first noticed it via other peoples saves within the last few months [21:36:17] I am flying a 10 mission now though I can get another datapoint with the RR, but I know my SPS line temps wont cool off [21:36:25] whats up with LOI2? [21:36:57] Oh a hung thread [21:37:12] I just watched someone fly through 11 very recently and had no issues [21:43:24] huh it wont even calculate in RTCC [21:43:28] thats not good [22:07:06] did Nik break something lol [23:09:51] RIP [00:55:22] Granted I only tried that save [00:55:32] I didnt try another Apollo 11 LOI2 mission [07:47:15] n7275: You up [07:47:35] for some reason, yes [07:47:50] April fools (with an unexpected twist) [07:48:11] This would've gone right had I not merged the new DSKY PR... It skewed the offset of the texture [07:48:24] And the pink textures were not updated [07:48:49] I already send the guy a PM on how to fix it and retracted the last two builds. [07:50:05] WIth all the discussion about what color the DSKY should have it was time to settle the debate with a new suggestion. I'll make a forum post later today :P [07:51:17] At least the red clears up any discussion of what shade of green it should be [07:51:44] Right haha [07:52:10] https://github.com/orbiternassp/NASSP/pull/760 [07:54:23] ooooh [13:00:45] good morning [13:01:05] hey [13:18:19] so purple DSKY huh :P [13:27:46] Funny how people still can't agree what the new color is. Purple, red, pink... :p [13:33:40] I woke to a few discord messages asking for help on it :P [13:35:42] I got up super early to drop my wife off at the Airport, checked the forum and was fairly certian that not all of my brain had woken up fully yet [13:37:23] then I wasn't sure if he was playing a prank on us or the other way arround [14:00:44] why do things like this LOI-2 issue get discovered just before I go to bed :D [14:02:12] or just after really. But early enough that I still read about it last night [14:10:19] Haha figures [14:13:36] the time you usually log off coincides roughly with when most east-coast US users get home from school/work [14:14:09] ...and east-coast Canadian users [14:26:31] so just as an experiment I made the PAMFD use mission time from the MCC instead of CSM or LM [14:27:13] works very well, just in prelaunch I will need to add some RTCC parameters that are normally calculated after insertion, so that it counts down to the predicted launch [14:27:33] that is realistic, they had the RTCC set up with day of launch and estimated launch time many hours before liftoff [14:30:31] that way the actual "mission time" in the Saturn class would be hidden, but there is a lot more to do to ever be able to stop and resume countdowns [14:32:16] What tells the Saturn to launch right now? [14:33:48] Saturn class mission time [14:34:01] Mobile Launcher uses that for all prelaunch events [14:34:21] and that time cannot be safely stopped or recycled because it gets used in Saturn class timesteps [14:34:52] ahh that's what I thought. so it's the wrong way around [14:35:13] I mean it works somewhat convenient right now. For missions that already properly support launch delays (8, 11 and 14) you just need to edit the mission time in the T-4h scenario [14:35:32] that one change makes it launch later and everything is synced to that [14:35:44] but of course it would be better to be able to do that in-sim [14:35:54] and for Skylab Saturn IB launches it's not sufficient [14:36:04] yeah, I think I set up a -40 hour scenerio to test fuel cells on the pad a year or so ago [14:36:14] it's coming back to me [14:36:23] haha, that is a lot of hours [14:36:52] I think that's when they were started for Apollo 8 [14:37:07] there is really two approaches to this. Make less timestep functions use the mission time in the Saturn class. [14:37:18] and don't use that mission time outside the Saturn class in ML, PAMFD etc. [14:37:35] there is also the topic of checklist events [14:37:57] For that it would be good if the mission time could be stopped and actually is 0 at liftoff [14:45:31] we could probably also start in the apropriate countdown hold, rather than at -4 hours [14:46:07] or at least that would be possible [14:47:28] I'm not even sure when Apollo did scheduled countdown holds [14:48:51] Do we have any good docs on that? [14:50:04] yeah we have some good countdown documents [14:50:16] I have a very detailed one for Apollo 16 [14:50:23] the last hold was at T-3:30h [14:50:27] scheduled for 1 hour [14:50:55] that is Saturn V of course, Skylab Saturn IBs are quite different I imagine [14:51:10] the EDD has countdown hold times... which were then corrected by hand [14:51:52] and we also have some good sources on how they would recycle countdowns for the Saturn V [14:51:56] after all it happened twice [15:01:55] Apollo 14 had a hold at T-8m2s [15:01:57] no recycle [15:02:00] just continued from there [15:02:17] but they seem to have had some issues with stuff getting too hot [15:02:34] so the flight evaluation report says they should change procedures for the next mission [15:02:48] Apollo 17 I am pretty sure recycled to one of the normal points [15:04:02] stuff getting too hot? Did n7275 mess with their radiators also? [15:04:32] seems like it [15:07:52] so I guess prior to the scheduled hold at T-3:30 you could still make the scheduled hold shorter if there was a scheduled countdown hold earlier [15:08:09] then until T-22m they would probably just resume the countdown when everything was ok again [15:08:17] at least if they didn't have to scrub for the day of course [15:08:27] from T-22m on it gets a bit more complicated [15:08:43] main issue being S-II start tank chill [15:10:23] at T-3m7s the automated terminal countdown starts [15:10:30] I think you always need to recycle to T-22m there [15:10:40] and after T-17s you already had GRR in the LVDC [15:10:46] that is always a scrub for the day I believe [15:11:06] wouldn't work in NASSP anyway, recycling from there. At least not right now [15:11:20] what did I break now? [15:12:01] oh [15:12:04] you travelled back in time to 1971 and made the Apollo 14 Saturn V too hot [15:12:08] during their countdown hold [15:12:41] oh probably [15:12:48] sounds like me [15:33:35] I've been thinking about connectors a bit [15:33:52] would be nice to not need windows.h [15:43:40] ah damn, those need that [15:48:05] There's no handy C++ interprocess messageing functions, unfortunately [15:48:36] but it could be done with a plugin. [15:59:25] or probably even more simple than that. as long as our pointers to other vessels are cast to a PA connector vessel, rather then just vessel, we can just impliment our own version of SendMessage() [16:16:05] morning! [16:47:07] hey Mike [16:47:09] hey Mike [16:47:12] wow [18:01:05] n7275, did you hear anything from UHCL? [18:41:45] oh dear, HexChat has an April Fool's joke where it writes your stuff in a gibbewrish font text [18:41:57] I cannot even read this as I type it [18:43:17] okay relogging seems to revert the font [18:43:21] my Hexchat isn't doing that [18:43:33] It isn't doing it for me now either [18:43:49] but after I moused over any piece of text the font changed to gibberish [18:44:17] that was WEIRD [18:44:21] either that or you need a brain scan done [18:44:23] I wish I'd screenshotted it [18:44:38] maybe it was a bug or a random chance effect [18:45:01] yeah could be random [18:45:39] it only happened when I moused over a piece of text. Each username changed as I hovered over it, for example, then the same story with text in the main window [18:45:56] I'd had HexChat open for probably a good 20 minutes by that point [18:46:30] at least it didn't turn all pink [18:46:43] LMAO [18:46:53] I don't know what you're referring to :P [21:05:42] night! [09:29:36] good morning [09:31:31] hey Matt [09:32:18] I asked yesterday, but you must have been afk. I guess there is nothing new from UHCL? [09:36:33] oh whoops [09:36:51] nothing new unfortunately [09:37:31] last email "we are working to process your request..." was on 2 March. [09:38:56] hmm ok [09:42:44] I just sent a email back following up [09:44:45] ah great. Let's hope something comes from it. Maybe they just didn't have time or they have difficulty with the format of these documents. [09:49:30] speaking of system parameters, I really need to figure out this issue with maneuver iterations [09:49:43] the RTCC burn simulation also includes the AGC short burn logic [09:50:22] and right for short burn it has remaining residuals [09:50:44] residuals that are basically realistic, slight mismatch between AGC short burn logic and actual behavior [09:50:50] but in reality you would trim them... [09:51:13] and using that sort of burn simulation and iterate on the TIG with it gives not good results [09:52:04] that's why I had originally requested the Apollo 7 RTCC system parameters from UHCL, to see if short burn logic has zero residuals with those, need to look at those again [10:17:26] yeah. sorry about that. [10:18:43] ah no problem, it's UHCL that is being slow. I have the Apollo 7 parameters for now :D [15:58:24] morning! [16:02:08] hey Mike [16:02:14] what's up? [16:02:44] not liking my current updates I am working on. I guess I'll can them and look at other stuff :D [16:03:04] hahaha oh no [16:03:05] and you? [16:04:29] got the IHENV circuit assembled last night and it appears to work [16:05:00] now expanding the firmware/GUI to allow me to send pulses to specific circuits so I can individually test them without having to run full memory cycles [16:06:58] so I should be able to build up all of the strand select circuits today since those don't require any tuning [16:07:09] sounds like the same thorough testing system I always saw with the real AGC :D [16:07:53] and then I need to build up at least one of the inhibit drivers and the module select, since those are both current sources that need to be tuned and will probably be similarly far off like the set driver is [16:07:55] hahaha [16:08:18] it's fun to be on the other side of this now, and actively tuning the circuits by changing component values, instead of just running the tests to make sure it works :D [16:08:46] I appreciate these procurement specification documents even more now [16:12:19] yeah I guess you don't have to re-invent the wheel with these tests [16:17:00] I am tempted again to look at making our redraw events more efficient [16:17:21] but that always turns out into "I hope you didn't have anything else to do in the next 2 weeks" sort of thing [16:19:07] our system is so outdated that I need to look at the Orbiter 2010 code for the DeltaGlider for inspiration... [16:20:26] and even that already uses mostly 2D meshes instead of bitmaps [16:22:30] oh man [18:44:00] alright, firmware/GUI for manual pulsing is done and seems to be working. now time to assemble the strand selection circuits :D [19:46:02] alright well, we're missing way too many pages of the strand select module procurement spec to confirm this exactly matches expected output... but the first strand select circuit is assembled and appears to be working correctly [19:49:44] procurement specs can't replace an educated judgement :D [19:50:38] it's like the Apollo 11 LGC descent abort constants. Are the padloaded ones close enough? Official rule to determine that is: does Ernie look happy? [20:00:04] hehehe [20:00:34] yeah these strand select circuits are basically just 14V on/off switches -- not too much can go wrong [20:01:42] the pages of this procurement spec that we do have mostly cover the module select driver, which is much more complex and needs to be tuned to sink exactly 128mA [20:01:53] so I'm happy with the subset of pages we have haha [20:02:13] yeah sometimes you get lucky [20:07:29] I need to find that "does Ernie look happy" moment again. It was quite funny listening to it in context. FIDO and Rendezvous support were comparing numbers, comparing dates of memos with the constants, complaining about different units in different memos. [20:07:35] Recomputing the constants twice [20:07:43] and then it really just came down to "does Ernie look happy" [20:07:50] and that was the end of it [20:11:10] hahahaha [20:11:12] amazing [20:13:17] that would be Ernest M. Fridge, author of many MSC memos [20:15:24] and now I remembered why I had problems with making the redraws more efficient [20:15:53] everything works great until the Checklist MFD decides to draw the flashing border around a switch [20:16:17] then the switch needs to be redrawn from scratch, from the background bitmap [20:16:48] oh that's annoying [20:16:56] and that prevents a lot of the methods for optimizing this [20:17:04] as the border is slightly larger than the switch bitmap itself [20:17:32] so you can't just draw in the area surrounding a switch -- you have to completely redraw the entire zone? [20:18:18] what I tried was, take the current state of the bitmap. Instead of getting the background and drawing all the switches all the time on that. [20:18:28] current state of the surface I should say [20:18:38] for the switch there is up and down bitmaps [20:18:50] but the border is drawn on top [20:19:22] and there doesn't seem to be an option to draw everything from scratch on demand [20:19:32] damn [20:19:36] the demand would be when the flashing border is set to off [20:19:57] we also use switch rows, so maybe there is a way if each switch is its own area [20:20:17] instead of drawing area = a row of switches [20:21:05] if there is a way to redraw it all on demand then right now the whole switch rows with all its switches need to redrawn [20:21:12] or else the background is drawn over it [20:47:48] oh holy crap [20:48:00] well apparently we're almost certainly never seeing a CDU backplane [20:48:48] because of $$$ [20:48:56] no, because of the way they built the thing [20:49:01] oh [20:49:06] unlike the AGC, the covers are not held on by screws [20:49:19] looking at the subassembly drawing for one of the trays [20:51:27] if not screws how then? [20:51:36] "Bond find no. 2 [the cover] to surface of foam encapsulant per ND 1002004 [epoxy] type I. Apply adhesive in entire center area of foam to with 1-14" of sides of find no. 1 [chassis]. Also apply adhesive on edges of find no. 1 at each corner as shown. Bond find no. 2 [the cover] to the edges of find no. 1 using ND 1002041 [different epoxy] type II, except for corners, as shown. Centralize find no. 2 with sides of find no. 1. Cure at [20:51:37] rature of 138 +/- 5 degrees for 2 hours minimum" [20:52:08] they had absolutely 0 intention of ever changing any wraps on this backplane [20:52:35] ah the bakery method [20:53:10] I guess if something with the wiring was faulty the CDU went to the trash then [20:53:21] apparently [20:54:14] so yeah, the CDU having any cover at all on it means the backplane is potted and the cover is epoxied to that potting [20:57:07] and the only coverless CDUs are probably some not rated for flight [20:57:11] makes it a lot rarer [20:57:54] if there are any, yeah [20:57:59] I've never seen a picture of one [21:00:06] I am pretty sure now that this CDU did belong to guidance system 207 [21:00:25] which I've now placed -- it was AC Electronics's "house" CM guidance system [21:01:32] hmm, and if even that isn't accessible... [21:01:44] I can tell you which ones NAA had [21:02:21] maybe :D [21:02:34] hah, from the Simulator Description document? [21:02:41] yeah haha [21:02:49] yeah that was the first place I checked haha [21:03:30] https://photos.app.goo.gl/gGdCQvyq2wPRa8Ew7 [21:03:44] interestingly the mockups do show the covers being screwed on [21:04:19] so they must have decided against that for some reason [21:06:09] oh! [21:06:27] https://photos.app.goo.gl/PXqQbVkR5g5LXB6LA [21:06:55] yeah, theory confirmed on an unpotted CDU just not having a cover [21:16:12] this is a photo of which one? [21:21:30] no idea [21:21:35] some random build :P [21:21:45] haha [21:22:56] as long as it has the standby button everything is good, that one is important [21:25:16] good night! [15:17:24] morning! [16:49:01] hey Mike [16:50:57] trying to improve our panel system, part 6 or so. I'm at that giving up point again haha [16:51:49] everything is so interconnected, to make meaningful changes you would kind of have to start from scratch again. New panel classes, new switch classes, everything [16:53:01] It's like it was designed on purpose to not allow incremental changes [17:06:23] I'm not giving up quite yet though, there is one more approach I want to try [17:08:02] if I can't easily get rid of the SwitchRow class I might as well try to repurpose it :D [19:36:11] hey guys [19:52:55] hey [20:03:47] I'm still without computer for a few days or so. Got most of our stuff moved into the new place but it was just too heavy and too much for one weekend. [20:06:07] but i still have IRC thankfully [20:08:45] ah nice [20:08:57] I have started and failed another attempt at improving 2D panel performance [20:09:03] but I've not given up quite yet haha [20:41:41] I have no idea how the 2d pannel code works, but it seems like it shoudnt have to be as complicated as it is [20:43:17] yeah [21:01:43] night! [22:21:52] I just handed in my bachelor thesis. [22:22:00] I'm a free man again! [14:17:28] Thymo, yay! Congradulations. [14:40:26] hey [15:25:46] hey Nik [15:30:30] I think I found a slightly ugly way to prevent everything on the 2D panel from being redrawn on every timestep [15:30:45] but I have some ideas for a better method [15:31:05] we have switch rows, so one panel area = multiple switches [15:31:25] if one of the switches changes its state the whole switch row gets redrawn [15:31:41] that is the only way because the panel background has to be printed, too, and that is a all of nothing kind of thing [15:31:55] all or* [15:32:21] otherwise only one switch shows the correct state and the others would be drawn over them by the background bitmap [15:32:54] the better method would be to have a small panel area for each switch [15:35:36] but that makes switch rows obsolete. So I need to find a solution there [16:10:42] how interwoven are is the 2d pannel code with the actual switches that systems look at? [16:11:02] whoops. few extra words thee... [16:11:06] *there [16:23:41] quite interwoven [16:23:50] the VC has a bit of a separate system [16:24:05] all switches and meters are derived from the PanelSwitchItem class [16:24:16] and they are owned by the Saturn/LM class directly [16:24:32] for 2D redraw and mouse click purposes the switches and meters are organized in SwitchRow [16:25:14] and SwitchRow is currently causing everything to be redrawn all the time [16:25:26] going through its list of associated PanelSwitchItems [16:30:11] its impressive that it even manages 20fps and not, like, 0.2 fps [16:32:22] I get 50, but sometimes it drops [16:32:29] and I don't like unsteady framerates [16:32:39] that's what converted me to a VC user [16:35:40] I have already tried, if no two position or three position switches are redrawn on the CSM main panel then I get 70 instead of 50 fps [16:36:01] I'd say the potential is a doubling of the framerate [16:36:10] very rough estimate [16:40:49] oh nice [16:44:28] Thymo, congrats on finishing your thesis! [16:45:26] I see your PR. I am slightly confused when this commit was added: https://github.com/orbiternassp/NASSP/commit/549cfadf6faa5195f209e2b3fc3027fb04908ad5 [16:45:35] That was not part of your PR for the prank... [17:00:18] Thanks :) [17:01:35] Those were the VC textures. I forgot to add them in the PR, you weren't around when I found out so I forced them through so peoples installs wouldn't horribly break. [17:01:52] ah forced them through, right [17:02:15] I was just seeing: 14 files changed in original PR, 18 files change in current PR [17:02:20] hmmmm :D [17:02:26] but that explains it [18:12:36] The wiki and guenter will be down most of the afternoon tomorrow. Solar panels are getting installed so the power will be disconnected for a while. [18:46:26] I should have my logger running at least until next weekend when I move it to the new apartment. I can get you any missing logs. [18:47:11] the solar pannels sound cool [18:47:31] I could use a few of those [19:06:14] Energy prices are through the roof here thanks to all the Russia business. It's well worth the investment. [19:09:49] yeah, I can imagine [19:15:41] and people are panic buying sunflower oil and flour [19:23:06] I'm the engineering manager for a small textiles manufacturing company in Maine and North Carolina. The past three years have been very eye-opening about the number of single points of failure in global trade. [19:24:03] Yeah, you don't really think about those things on the daily [19:24:11] Until the Suez canal gets blocked... [19:26:25] I bet the global economic impact of that incident is at least an order of magnitude greater than it would cost to widen it. [19:36:51] Thymo, what's your plan for the scenerio version-check code? [19:38:31] That prototype I built will only check NASSPVER against the one NASSP was compiled with. That's a good start. [19:39:04] It totally depends on if we want to support older versions and automatically port these to a new one [20:11:43] Something like this for starters? https://puu.sh/ISOsC/fdcda99311.png [20:13:35] that would work. then we can merge the Specific heat update, and at least if (when) they have problems they will have some idea why [20:16:42] in my branch I have updated all mission scenerios. [20:17:37] and I have a python upsate script [20:17:43] Okay so implementation wise you would load everything as we do now and then knowing what NASSPVER is, have instances of a ScnUpdater(?) class use patch whatever stuff is required. [20:17:51] /s/upsate/update [20:18:11] You wouldn't need anything but the old and new NASSPVER and a pointer to the vehicle I think [20:19:50] ScnUpdater could get complicated very fast if we're not careful [20:20:44] I was just thinking of an oapiDebugString warning for outdated versions. [20:21:11] So no automatic updating of scenarios at all? [20:21:20] Basically the way I have it now? [20:26:24] I'm not against updating them, but I just worry about the state of the updater down the road. it will have to apply updates recursively and we would probably need to set a cutoff for the oldest version we support at some point. [20:26:56] maybe I'm making it more complicated than it needs to be [20:27:51] If we only do an update from one version back it would be a lot simpler. [20:28:00] Your changes will also be a good test case [20:29:03] ooookay that would be fine then [20:30:43] so it's really just applying this https://gist.github.com/n7275/8cab7e348507ff4bce4749d09e2c3894 [20:31:46] if (scn_incompatible): updateScenario() [20:31:55] And that function would basically be your script [20:32:11] But in C++ changing the runtime variables obviously [20:32:23] Hmm [20:32:31] That would only change CurrentState though [20:32:43] Not the actual scenario you loaded from. [20:33:59] We could do the conversion and then save the scenario. As long as no timestep has run overwriting the one we loaded from should be fine I think. [20:36:14] it would need to run beore the scenerio gets loaded, or at least before the NASSP-specific parts of the scenerio get loaded. [20:37:24] ...which I guess it could do when it hits the NASSPVER line [20:38:34] Then you would need to scan the file and modify it as text. You would still need to finish loading and call oapiSaveScenario though as you don't have control over the other vessels. [20:41:56] this seems messy [20:56:01] I'll work out a PoC to see how much a scenario changes if you load it and then immediately save it on the first PreStep. Hopefully not too much. [20:56:25] Then we can do the first approach of load -> patch -> save [21:05:33] okay [21:05:57] should be just the "CHM" lines [21:17:26] I'm gonna try without any changes first so I can diff them and see what changes and if those need to/can be fixed. [21:17:34] Then I'll try your changes. [21:18:13] But not tonight, I'm pretty tired :) [21:18:25] Goodnight! [21:19:27] night!