[19:00:11] NASSP Logging has been started by thymo [19:00:13] Server ran out of space. Apparently btrfs doesn't handle that well :( [19:00:43] n7275: I don't know exactly when logging cut out. Could you send me your logs from the period Guenter was offline? [19:22:07] I'd be happy to [19:57:43] Thymo http://mwhume.space/Files/NASSP_Stuff/may_logs.tar.gz [20:30:53] Thanks [21:01:54] oh lord. more dependency hell. [21:03:11] https://c.tenor.com/fXv2V5FrTQ0AAAAd/computer-rage.gif [15:15:59] Hey hey [15:16:11] Good afternoon/morning [15:21:15] hey guys [15:22:13] Hey, how is it going? [15:24:22] good [15:24:26] you? [15:28:45] Fine [15:28:58] BRB [15:43:59] indy91 I'm probably going to need some help at some point with cg shifts and lights. [16:07:24] Houston, Apollo 8 [16:07:47] Groceries adquired successfully :D [16:20:24] morning! [16:22:05] Morning [16:26:53] good evening [16:27:10] n7275, that should be no problem. I think they need to be shifted manually, but we have a function for that [16:43:08] So, it is safe for me to update to 1884 or 1885 (if it comes) for the mission? [16:43:51] Hey, wait a second... 1885? https://backtothefuture.fandom.com/wiki/1885 [16:44:21] you might get shot in 1885, otherwise it should be fine [16:44:50] :D you got the reference [16:46:49] nothing substantial really changed [16:47:13] especially not for Apollo 8 [16:49:11] For 1885, n7275 is working on lights, I assume the externals, and that should avoid a dark S-IVB, right? [16:49:30] I don't think that has been merged yet [16:50:16] I am fairly certain I can't finish that before tomorrow sadly [16:50:25] Well, going to 1884 and if 1885 is ready tomorrow, I will go with that [16:50:47] (with a bullet proof vest) [16:51:12] ah now I see what you mean, there is no release 1885 yet haha [16:53:04] Yeah :D [16:55:36] of course you never know, your last Apollo 8 attempt had a very specific issue with uninitialized memory that only happened because you never reloaded the sim [16:55:46] but I am fairly confident that there aren't any bugs like that right now [16:56:01] Yeah [16:56:43] I don´t have a problem restarting if it is necessary... We did that in 7 [16:57:28] And did flights from T-4 to T+8 continuous without issue some weeks ago [16:57:34] Without issue [16:57:40] But yeah, we never now [16:57:46] It´s computers! [16:57:49] I had a brief moment where I was going to use some void pointers, rather than just making an ad hoc class for something. I'm sure everyone will be happy that code will never see the light of day [16:59:09] lol [16:59:57] Has anyone tried Orbiter in VR? I did it yesterday. Video coming soon to my youtube and to O-F. [17:00:17] I didn't even know that was possible [17:00:31] vorpx [17:01:10] Not natively of course, but with vorpx it works https://www.vorpx.com/ [17:05:24] ahh cool [17:08:27] why does our ac bus class return a fixed voltage rather than the voltage of the inverter that they're attached to? [17:08:40] or am I reading that wrong [17:28:01] I think you are reading it right [17:28:06] not sure why that works that way [17:29:56] it's interesting, turning my lights on cause a little bit of a drop on the fuel cell, dc bus and inverter, but not the ac bus [17:30:10] seems like an easy fix [17:30:38] volts = SRC->Voltage() [17:31:44] careful [17:31:56] I'm sure there is a reason why it was set up like that [17:33:25] yeah... not sure I want to make this easy project into a hard project [17:41:14] at least in the CSM that change should be fine [17:41:42] the inverter class it uses has three phases internally which are wired to itself [17:41:50] looks like it's been like that since at before 2008 [17:42:02] and the inverter class also uses that logic with the ac_voltage in Voltage() [17:42:09] so the phases should return the AC voltage [17:42:42] but the inverters itself are wired to DC, so if you were to check on their voltage it would return the 28V DC [17:43:07] their source voltage I mean [17:43:27] it's probably a remnant of a time before the inverter class was properly working [17:43:58] to prevent the ACBus class from returning the lower DC voltage value if it's wired to that [18:24:57] Hey [18:25:20] hey Thymo [18:26:17] You run Ubuntu right? [18:27:27] Hey Thymo [18:27:35] Hi Turry [19:03:48] Guys, going to bed! [19:03:56] Good day/night [19:14:29] me? [19:15:53] on my pi I run the debian based Raspbian. not a huge fan. just haven't switched to something else yet. [19:25:30] Ah, thought you used it on a laptop or something [19:26:42] I was trying to install Ubuntu server on my old laptop as a one off Nextcloud file dump for an event. PXE boot didn't even work and the installer from USB doesn't create a UEFI boot entry for GRUB. [19:26:50] I'm now installing CentOS [19:27:40] I thought Ubuntu was user friendly but I have never had such a bad install experience with any distro [19:27:43] I used to have a Linux laptop, but I ran an old version of debian on that too. [19:29:11] I now understand this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHGTs1NSB1s [19:29:19] I have a few vm servers at work running Ubuntu server, but the only thing they do is run a few docker images [19:29:33] yeah, haha [19:48:55] Yep CentOS boots okay [19:58:16] nice. I've never tried that one. [20:00:36] night