[17:33:58] NASSP Logging has been started by n7275 [17:34:00] good afternoon [17:35:03] morning! [17:37:03] hello [17:37:41] what's up? [17:41:32] not too much. I fixed a tiny little bug with my PIPA scale last night [17:48:00] off-by-one in the scanf statement [17:48:11] oh fun haha [17:48:37] it basicially "deactivated" the Y nd Z PIPAs [17:48:43] *and [17:50:12] I was looking through it a bit last night -- just to double check, is the first appearance of accel. as expected on these three lines? https://github.com/orbiternassp/NASSP/pull/1030/files#diff-d92ecc070964c2b94fea2823d0849a7a40efc53ff1f34e50c20419e2c7292b67R473 [17:50:37] it seems mildly surprising to see y, z, y without any x, but I'm guessing the sign change is accounting for the difference on the last line? [17:59:33] I just had a brief moment of panic trying to figure out how I missed that... [17:59:40] that's not an error [17:59:54] I figured it mustn't be :D [18:00:06] sorry for causing panic haha [18:00:32] it has to do with the orientation of the spin-reference axis, output, and input axis of each IRIG [18:01:27] ahhhh gotcha [18:01:59] the spin-reference-axis of both the X and Z both point along the Y axis, but are mirror images with respect to their IA and OA [18:04:08] The issue I fixed was pipaBiasScale.PIPA_ScalePPM_Y and Z getting loaded as 0 [18:07:28] which made for an odd state vector [18:14:39] hahaha I can imagine [18:50:33] good evening [18:59:28] n7275, feature creep, now you added PIPA failures for each axis! [19:20:21] :D [19:31:20] I'm good at feature creep :) [19:49:43] I got myself down below 20k differences in Skylark [19:49:59] mostly by getting ebanks 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and most of 6 sorted out [19:50:16] I said this before, but holy cow did they shuffle erasable memory a lot. *so much* moved [19:57:09] TEPHEM is at 1700 instead of 1706. That's all I have to say :D [21:01:31] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjxHm7mJAIE [21:01:48] :D [21:02:55] I can't wait to watch this later [21:04:01] in a way this is for people who can't fly the missions themselves. Believe me, that is more fun than watching my video editing :D [21:04:08] also takes more time of course... [21:05:24] oooooooo [21:06:18] you have never seen as many P3X programs as this video, you can believe that [21:06:20] yes, I am also very excited to watch this after work :D [21:06:22] hahaha [22:11:01] night!