Audio Playback

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Project Apollo plays audio files on numerous events during the course of a mission; all these files are stored under Sounds/ProjectApollo, generally as 8-bit mono 8kHz or 11kHz .wav files.

For files which might vary between missions, the code first looks in the mission-specific directory, Sound/ProjectApollo/ApolloN where N is the number specified in the APOLLONO variable in the scenario. If the file is found there, it will be played, otherwise it will look for a generic file of the same name in Sound/ProjectApollo; these files are generally from the Apollo 11 mission. For files which are generic, for example, a switch click, it will only look in Sound/ProjectApollo.

This allows us to have a standard set of sound files to play on any mission, but for people to create sound packs which add the appropriate files for specific missions on a mission-by-mission basis.

If the audio language is set to anything other than English, then it will look first in Sound/ProjectApollo/language or Sound/ProjectApollo/language/ApolloN instead.

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